Sunday, 15 January 2017

Bring it on 2017!

So I think everyone in the world can agree 2016 sucked! I think we were all happy when the clock struck midnight on New Years. So with 2017 hopefully being a better year for us all, let me lay out some of my New Year resolutions (I don't normally do this).

Be More Honest With Myself

It's easy to give in and let things happen but I want to make sure that I try and make time for myself. If I need to rest make time too, don't rush to be eveything to everyone else, it is ok to say no. If you don't want to do something say no, you can always come up with a nicer idea to do with friends or loved ones.

Spend Time with Family

My family had something very tragic happen to it last year, which is why for some time I have been quiet. You can't control what happens in life no matter how unfair it is but you can just try to make the most of every moment. So this year I want to spend more time with my family, making new happy memories but not forgetting those who are missing. 


Don't be afraid to jump into things that might seem scary, it doesn't matter if it doen't work at least you've tried.

Get Fit

Original I know but I want to be better this year with my fitness, it's easy to be lazy after work when you come home late. I also have the honour of being a friends bridesmaid this year so I want to make sure I am looking my best cos I know I will be looking back at the photos for years to come. 

Travel More

Even if its forward planning, take time to explore the world even if it's just in the UK.

What are your New Year's resolutions?


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